


If you have an interest in shaping 环境政策, 解决可持续发展问题, and taking on environmental challenges, consider our interdisciplinary program in environmental studies.







If you have an interest in shaping 环境政策, 解决可持续发展问题, and taking on environmental challenges, consider our interdisciplinary program in environmental studies.


我们的环境研究学士学位, 你从两种浓度中选择, one focused on 环境政策 and the other centered on environmental communication. Both options provide you with the benefit of working with our expert faculty across a wide range of subject matter.

The program will help you develop cross-cutting and interdisciplinary skills to prepare you to address environmental issues through policy initiatives and/or communication strategies.



在UHart, you will have opportunities to do research with faculty and have access to internships to prepare you for a rewarding career addressing sustainability and environmental issues for industry, 政府, 非营利组织. You can also consider applying to law school or to graduate programs in communication, 经济学, 公共政策, 或者公共管理.


  • Environmental consultant or policy analyst
  • 可持续性协调员
  • Corporate 社会 responsibility officer
  • 能源审计 
  • 自然资源官员
  • 修复专家 
  • Public relations specialist for an environmental organization

The average annual pay for an 环境政策 Analyst in the United States is $81,747 as of Feb. 据Zip Recruiter称,2023年.

就业 of environmental communication specialists with a bachelor’s degree is projected to grow 11%, faster than the 7% average for all occupations with a median pay of $62,根据美国的统计,每年有810人死亡.S. 劳工统计局.

The median pay for an environmental geographer with a bachelor’s degree is $85,根据美国.S. 劳工统计局.


You must complete a total of 38-40 credits. A total of eight required core courses (26-27 credits) provides you with a foundation in various approaches to the environment—environmental science and ecology, 生物统计学, 环境伦理学, 环境政策, 以及环境传播. A required internship and required capstone experience offer real-world, hands-on opportunities that help students prepare for postgraduate careers.


  • 环境科学导论
  • Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
  • 环境伦理学
  • 生态
  • 环境交流
  • 生物统计学
  • 环境实习
  • 环境顶点

For more information, and to see a complete list of requirements, visit the 课程 目录. 


You complete an additional 12-13 credits in your area of interest. You select from two areas of concentration.



  • 美国环境政策
  • 美国公共政策
  • 塑料污染政策


  • Connecticut Environmental Regulation and Policy
  • 政治沟通
  • 保护生物学
  • 任何经济学课程



  • 数字媒体制作导论
  • 无线电简介 & 音频,或电视制作入门
  • 为媒体写作
  • 媒体制作专题


  • 媒体营销与推广
  • 冲突与沟通
  • 媒体行业
  • 视频现场制作

For more information, and to see a complete list of requirements, visit the 课程 目录. 


Our interdisciplinary minor in environmental studies complements a variety of majors including art, 业务, 历史, 政治与政府, 社会学, 和更多的.

You must complete 19-21 credits including the following courses:

  • Fundamentals of Environmental Studies  
  • 环境研究课程  

除了, electives are required in the Environmental Studies and Environmental Sciences categories. 例子包括:

  • 环境交流
  • 环境伦理学
  • Latin America Environment and Development
  • 美国环境政策
  • Introduction to Environmental Science  
  • 保护生物学
  • 生态  
  • 环境化学

For more information, and to see a complete list of minor requirements, visit the 课程目录.

Myalia Durno

Psychology, Environmental Studies and Math 小s , '24

Myalia cannot neglect her passion for the environment. She was awarded the well-respected Connecticut Sea Grant to support her research about Connecticut restaurants’ use of single-use plastics. Myalia reached out to nearly 100 restaurants along the Connecticut coast and 60 restaurant owners in Hartford, 米德尔顿, 和格拉斯顿伯里. 到目前为止, she’s discovered it’s challenging for them to find non-plastic or non-single use alternatives that are affordable.  

Myalia is planning to apply to graduate school to study for a master’s degree in psychology and says she may do more research in plastics in the environment. 


This project is incredibly important because it gets to the bottom of the issue of why we aren't stopping the use of plastics and what is preventing us from being able to use alternatives.



Students graduating with an 环境研究文学士 will be able to:

  • Understand and apply key concepts from economic, 政治, and 社会 analysis as well as the ecological and physical sciences to address environmental issues.
  • Think critically by integrating multiple disciplines that intersect with environmental concerns to solve environmental problems.
  • 表现出意识, 知识, 以及对道德的欣赏, 跨文化, and historical context of environmental issues and the link between human and natural systems.
  • Identify the fundamental environmental, 社会, and economic issues underlying sustainability and communicate effectively about them with stakeholders.
  • 应用 skills of quantitative literacy by analyzing environmental data to assess environmental issues.




If you have an interest in biology or chemistry and care about finding solutions to environmental problems and 解决可持续发展问题, consider our environmental science major. 在UHart, we offer you research and internship opportunities to jump start your career or prepare you for graduate studies.



Our 政治与政府 program gives you the opportunity to explore your interests and get hands-on experience before you graduate.



In the 文学学士 in Communication program, 你创造广告, 公共关系, and 社会 media campaigns for real clients, all while learning how to effectively communicate with different target audiences.

今天就开始你的犹他大学之旅. 迈出下一步.