
A brand is an enduring platform that articulates an organization’s unique identity and point of view. It can help an organization connect with many audiences through informed and relevant interactions.

这些指导方针定期更新. Keep this page bookmarked and check back often to make sure you are using the most up-to-date and accurate content strategy and visual style.



If you have produced your own marketing and promotional material intended for an external audience, it must be submitted to the University’s 营销与传播办公室 for review and approval before printing, 生产, 发布, 或出版. This extends to all mediums, including print, digital, video, web, and environmental.

If you have questions about UHart’s brand or need a full copy of the brand guidelines, 请联系 艾丽西娅·波斯特·林德斯塔特 at 860.768.4379.


立博体育官网, our brand focuses on our distinct and diverse array of opportunities and the common vision that unites us as a community of multifaceted makers.

Our core value proposition summarizes what makes UHart distinct and forms the foundation for our brand strategy:

The 立博体育官网 channels passion and guides purpose so that tomorrow’s professionals become the multifaceted makers our world demands.


Our logos represent the 立博体育官网 at the highest level.

大学的文字logo是我们的主要logo. 它就像一个签名,一个标识符,一个质量的印章. 它应该在我们的沟通中始终如一地使用.

The official wordmark and trademark of the 立博体育官网 is composed of two parts—the words “立博体育官网” and the anchor bar—in a certain configuration. This trademark represents the University and must be used in all instances of marketing and identifying of the University.

The wordmark must be used according to the University’s approved graphic standards. It must not be re-keyed, redrawn, reproportioned, added to, or modified in any way. It is the official trademark of the 立博体育官网 and must be reproduced from original artwork. Only the official, approved versions of the wordmark are appropriate for use. The 营销与传播办公室 is responsible for establishing and maintaining these graphic standards.

市场营销和传播办公室管理徽标, 模板, 以及帮助您创建品牌材料的工具. 请联系 艾丽西娅·波斯特·林德斯塔特 at 860.768.4379查询下列任何一项:

  • 大学堆叠logo
  • 大学线形logo
  • 学校及学院校徽
  • H遗产logo
  • 幻灯片模板
  • Adobe Creative Suite模板

我们的调色板有两个主要的层次:初级和次级. 通信应该严重依赖于主要调色板, 但可能会使用二次, 中性, and gradient palettes to keep layouts from becoming too stale or one-dimensional.

我们的主要调色板由UHart红、白色和黑色组成. 布局严重依赖于这些颜色, but can also mix them with the secondary palette to build color schemes that are complementary and balanced.

从我们的二级调色板的颜色可以使用UHart红, but they can also pair with each other to create a variety of effects for many needs and scenarios. 在光线之间保持平衡, 充满活力的, and muted tones offers the flexibility to compositions that are bolder and more 充满活力的, 或者更正式,更含蓄.


摄影 allows us to tell authentic stories in a single moment. Photos are one of the hardest-working and most-valued assets available. 选择照片时要非常小心,要深思熟虑. Be sure that they’re relevant, demonstrate the concept, and add value to the composition.

Only authentic photos should be used in University communications: stock imagery depicting students, 教师, 或校园空间是不允许的. The creative team in the 营销与传播办公室 has crated a vast library of images of the University, 我们的学生, 教师, 和工作人员. We have also cultivated relationships with reliable photographers, so please reach out if you need to hire a professional for your marketing needs.

欲了解更多立博网站中文版,请联系 艾丽西娅·波斯特·林德斯塔特 at 860.768.4379.


立博体育官网又称“UHart”, logo和商标, 相对, 口号, and other identifying symbols are the property of 立博体育官网 and are protected by statutory and common-law. Any unauthorized use of these or misleadingly similar 的名字 or marks, by any entity or individual without express written consent of 立博体育官网 will be deemed a violation of the University’s proprietary rights, and the University will take any and all steps necessary to protect such rights. Commercial use and re生产 without express written permission is strictly prohibited. 这包括非商业团体或个人的使用, 员工, 慈善机构, 以及其他组织. 使用立博体育官网的任何名称, logo, or trademark on any product or in connection with a manufacturer, 批发商, 丝网印刷机, 店内生产商, or any other supplier must be managed under a written agreement; other commercial use and re生产 without express written permission is strictly prohibited.

The name “立博体育官网” and the “AD HUMANITATEM” logo are registered with the U.S. 专利商标局. 立博体育官网 holds exclusive ownership rights regarding the use of all University logos, 的名字, 和商标. Only the official, approved versions of the logo are appropriate for use.

Those logos 和商标 must be used according to the University’s approved graphic standards. They must not be re-keyed, redrawn, reproportioned, added to, or modified in any way. They are official trademarks of the 立博体育官网 and must be reproduced from original artwork. Only the official, approved versions of the logos 和商标 are appropriate for use. The 营销与传播办公室 and the Department of 体育运动 are responsible for establishing and maintaining these graphic standards, as well as formally approving any external use of University trademarks.